Flatbread & Butter

Located in St. Petersburg, Florida’s Historic Uptown, Flatbread & Butter has become a local staple. Since opening in 2018, they have reimagined their menu and mission as a cafe. They plan to open a second location in Tampa in early 2023. I am very proud to have helped them shape their future.

  • Full rebrand

  • Signage, Mural, Consultation

  • Custom labels

  • Instagram stories, SquareSpace

  • Menu, Swag

My Role

Creative Direction + Lead Design

In my collaboration with FB&B I have worked with another designer to lead the business owner through a brand transition. As the community learned more about Flatbread and Flatbread learned more about their community a brand shift was needed. The ownership team is full of ideas and we have created a unique collaborative working relationship. We identified the true heart beat of the cafe and infused the brand with their coastal, creative tones. The FB&B is expressive and versatile, allowing the team to roll with the flow as they continue to experiment with events and community engagement. After nailing down the brand foundation, I have worked with FB&B to paint a mural inside the shop, design to-go materials, design a landing page, design shirts and tote bags, create a menu system equipped with an at-table ordering system, design general signage and assist with social media story designs.